Religious Hypocracy… A Never Ending Issue

We all can think back to being young in church and having that woman who appeared and acted to be the “model” christian or whatever religion. Yep, that one woman who was always telling you what to say, how to act, and what not to do! She always had a quote from the bible and reminded you of the consequences if you didn’t follow through on her commands. Yet, when you’re older and know and understand a little more, that same woman is always the source of controversy. She did this or said that and it wasn’t that “model” behavior she tries to instill in others. Hypocracy and religious especially, is a dangerous game… I was always taught to not play with the higher being. It could have dire consequences.

Willing Blindness… My take.

I experience “willing blindness” on a quite regular basis. I am one of two children that my mother had. I’m the oldest and I have a brother that is two years younger. I will admit, growing up my mother worked so hard to make sure my brother and I could have it all. As we became older both my brother and I, became our own persons and started to do our own things. Me, I was quiet and stayed to myself, I was a home-body. My brother became the social butterfly, having many friends and was very out going. After high school, my mom really tried to drill that “sense of responsibility” in us. I tried to manage school and a job. My brother… a whole different story, he never seemed to grasp that “mature” mind-set. he still expected to have things handed to him on a silver platter and my mom doing it in hopes that he would one day wake up. My mom tends to ignore the obvious and keep doing for him in hopes that one day he will want to do for himself… now in his early twenties, I doubt that will happen!

How I Feel About Hypocracy

Let’s see…we all know what a hypocrite is, right?  The person who talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk! We encounter them everyday. Me personally, I try to only give  my opinion on a subject when I have witnessed it first hand. Unfortunately, we do  have those people who don’t have a single right bone in their body but try to tell everyone else what is right and how they should live, act, do and speak. We usually tend to laugh at that person and just agree even when we  know they don’t practice what they preach!